Dance is not for Us - Omar Rajeh


15. - 16. nóvember

Miðaverð frá

4.900 kr.

„Dans er ekki fyrir okkur“ er kraftmikil einleikssýning eftir Omar Rajeh sem kafar ofan í samspil persónulegra minninga, danslistarinnar og samfélagslegra kerfa. Í sýningunni notar Rajeh líkama sinn og hreyfingar til að skapa frásögn sem er í senn persónuleg og pólitísk. Hann skoðar hvernig dans getur veitt mótspyrnu gegn hörkulegu valdamynstri sem er ætlað að bæla niður einstaklingsbundna tjáningu, sköpun og von.
Sýningin er berskjaldað og átakanlegt ferðalag inn í fortíð Rajehs. Með hreyfingum og texta rannsakar hann fortíð sem virðist aftengd núinu — fortíð sem hefur ekki flætt áreynslulaust inn í framtíðina. Þannig myndast tilfinning fyrir missi og óreiðu þar sem gamlar minningar, tilfinningar og viðburðir hafa frosið og staðnað.


"It might have been weird on many levels that I chose dance in a country that was coming out of civil war, destruction, death, and loss. However, dance at the time seemed to be the most revolutionary, the most provocative, and the most confrontational." - Omar Rajeh, Dance is not for us

Dance is not for Us is a solo creation choreographed and performed by Omar Rajeh, where he takes us into his dance and autobiographical universe, looking into the ‘performance’ as an act of gathering and shared experience. The dancing body creates its own rules, its own structure, and its own inspirations, as an act of hope, in opposition to structures of power that diminish such dynamics towards an act of normality and fear.
Omar Rajeh travels back into the past. Alone onstage, he dances and speaks of an intimate past that exists no more, of a fading image, and a deceiving one as well. A past that did not transfer into a future. The images, the meanings, the feelings, the people, the happy moments, everything froze. As if today he deals with a World with no past.

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