It Could've Been Us (Det kunde varit vi) + Q&A

Bíó Paradís

6. - 11 April

Ticket prices from

ISK 3,500

It Could've Been Us (Det kunde varit vi) + Q&A

2024 / Sweden / Documentary, Disability Awareness / 91 min

In a worn-out motorhome, Emma Örtlund and Ida Johansson set out on the road together with Pär Johansson to find out what it was like to live with an intellectual disability in a different time. A time when Sweden conducted racial research and carried out horrific experiments at the Vipeholm institution. During the journey, Emma, Ida, and Pär receive help from experts such as Ola Larsmo, Elin Bommenel, and Kalle Lind. It Could've Been Us is a story of redemption, but also of courage and the joy of life.

Directed by: Björn Tjärnberg and Rebecca Brander

There will be a Q & A with both the directors after the screening.

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