Terms and Conditions

These terms are valid from the 17th of May 2023

Please review your purchase before buying the tickets, is this the right date, right area, right timing etc. We can not guarantee any alterations are possible after your purchase.

Reselling tickets

Selling your ticket/s for a profit is forbidden. Tickets sold for a profit for any other than the event promoter will be cancelled by Tix without notice.

Cancelled events

If an event is cancelled, you will either be offered a ticket to the next showing of the event or a full refund of your ticket purchase. Tix will attempt to contact you to inform you of refund procedures via email or SMS.

Postponed events

If an event is postponed, we will attempt to contact you to inform you of refund or exchange procedures via email or SMS. If an event is postponed, the event promoter may set refund limitations or rules of refund period after the postponement has been announced.


In the case of a ticket holder requesting a refund, within the specified terms and conditions, please send an email to info@tix.is with your name, email, telephone number and booking number. If the purchase is applicable for a refund the refund will be processed within 14 days of the request, via the original payment method. In the case of tickets being sent by mail, shipping fee will not be refunded.

Event responsibility

All events sold via Tix are at the responsibility of the event promoter, not Tix.

Age restrictions

For some events there are age restrictions, please note that restrictions are in accordance with juvenile law i.e. a person under the age of 18 (eighteen) is prohibited to attend facilities that serve alcohol after 8:00 PM unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. If the event promoter announces other rules for age restrictions, those rules are to be followed, unless they are against the juvenile law.

Ticket buying limit

For some events there are limits for how many tickets one person can buy, if a person exceeds those limits, Tix may cancel the exceeded tickets without notice.


By purchasing tickets via Tix you agree to be sent emails related to the event or services related to the event, from the event promoter. If you do not accept this, please contact info@tix.is.

Personal information

Tix works according to their official privacy policy, accessible through tix.is, and according to the GDPR law in Iceland.

Personal belongings

Tix or the event promoter is not responsible for the ticket holder personal belongings, before, during or after an event.

Prices in ISK

Please notice that prices are charged in Icelandic Kronas (ISK). Published price in other currencies on our web is always the estimated price, the price in Icelandic Kronas is the final price.

Festival passes

Festival tickets give you access to all events at the festival, unless there are some limitations announced in the ticket purchase or on the ticket, but there might also be number restrictions per individual concerts subjects to individual venue capacity.

Adding tickets to your mobile wallet

If you choose to download your ticket as mobile ticket via the NOVA app, you automatically allow Tix to send information about your ticket to NOVA. NOVA works after their official privacy policy, further on http://nova.is

Skilmálar fyrir streymisviðburði (pay per view)

Vinsamlegast farið vel yfir miðakaupin þegar þau eiga sér stað, er þetta rétt dagsetning, rétt svæði, rétt tímasetning o.s.frv. Það kemur fyrir að ekki er hægt að leiðrétta miðakaup eftirá.

Þú átt rétt á endurgreiðslu ef
  • þú keyptir óvart keyptir tvo miða vegna tæknierfiðleika, notaðir sama netfang í bæði skipti og hafði sannarlega samband til að fá aðstoð áður en seinni miður var keyptur.

  • Viðburðinum var aflýst.

  • Viðburðurinn fór ekki fram af einhverjum ástæðum.

  • Meira en 80% af viðburðinum var sannarlega með gæðavandamál (ekkert hljóð, léleg hljóð & myndgæði) í beinu útsendingunni og ekki var hægt að horfa á upptöku af viðburðinum án gæðavandamála innan 12 klukkustunda eftir að útsendingu lauk.

Viðburðahaldari endurgreiðir ekki miða út af persónulegum aðstæðum miðahafa sem komu í veg fyrir að þú gast horft á viðburðinn.

Viðburðahaldari tekur ekki ábyrgð á öllum tæknivandamálum sem geta komið upp hjá miðahafa og getur ekki ábyrgst að öll stýrikerfi, tengingar og tæki virki sem skyldi.

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