© 2024 Tix Ticketing
Bíó Paradís
21 December
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Premier of Geltu! A queer anti-hate speech shortfilm.
Geltu! was made as part of “Before They Hate”, a European campaign to tackle hate speech. The film is made by Sigríður Láretta and Sol Berruezo Pichon-Riviére.
“The film is a reaction to an increase in violence against genderqueer people and to increased anxiety, depression and agression among youth in Iceland”
“Before They Hate” was spearheaded by the organization OFSi, Along with their European partners. The aim of OFSi (the violence prevention school) is to communicate effective prevention against violence. Among other things, they work towards this through research, the creation of study materials, holding courses and participating in international collaborative projects.
More information can be found on their website: https://ofbeldisforvarnir.is/
The campaign’s website: https://b4h8.ofs.is/
And instagram https://www.instagram.com/ofsi_ofbeldisforvarnir/
The film was made thanks to the support of the following sponsors and collaborators:
Center for Digital Pedagogic in Denmark, St Paul’s Youth Forum in Scotland, Backslash in Spain and Connect International in Brussels, REC Arts rvk.
The film was directed by Sigríður Láretta Jónsdóttir and Sol Berruezo Pichon-Rivière
The film was produced by Lea Ævars and Anna Sæunn Ólafsdóttir - NyArk Media
Sóldögg Freyja Sveinsdóttir
Nelliann Flores Rodríguez
Karen Sif Kamgan
Bader Khoues Azzam
Arnaldur Halldórsson
Lúkas Emil Johanssen
Salvör Helgudóttir
Victor Sverrisson