Listaháskólinn Laugarnesi

23. - 24. október

Miðaverð frá

0 kr.

BETWEEN US is a dance work created by four female performers from different countries through discussing their connections with other people, things, feelings and each other.
There is always something between us: connection, distance, language, feeling, other peopole, things, thoughts, words. There could also be emptiness, misunderstanding, loss, and disconnection between us. We are all connected by visible or invisible threads of relationships. Some of them are strong, some are vulnerable. Some of them are already torn off, leaving a scar on us.
Is it always a negative experience to separate? Is it always good to be connected?

– Humans experience their first trauma during birth by separating from the mother’s body.
– The ring road of Iceland was built just 50 years ago.
– You are what you eat.
– He has never responded to my message.
– Feelings are the language of the soul.
– Every Sunday they went to church.
– I never want to get married.
– Did you know there is a connection between the oval of the face and the pelvic floor muscles?
– Leaves are falling from the tree.
– The last time I saw the snow was in January.
– You have a new message.

Director and choreographer: Alona Perepelytsia
Performers and co-creators: Camille Herrera, Hanna Hulda Hafþórsdóttir, Jubilea Kucerova

Special thanks: Bóas Eðvaldsson, Egill Ingibergsson, Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir, Ragnar Ísleifur Bragason, Ingibjörg Huld Haraldsdóttir, skrifsofa LHÍ á laugarnesi, bekkurinn minn.

**When:**October 23rd 19:00-20:00
October 24th 20:30-21:30
45-60 min

**Where:**L141, Laugarnesvegur 91, 105 Reykjavík.


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