The Declutter Show


7. - 8. október

Miðaverð frá

3.900 kr.

A dance performance that examines whether it is possible to make an entire performance without buying anything.

From the KonMari method to Apples simple design philosophy, we are increasingly encouraged to declutter and simplify our way of life. More people seek out the simple life and clean up the quantities they have accumulated over time. Therefore The Nordic Beasts dance theatre presents: THE DECLUTTER SHOW!

A performance that does not buy anything new during its creation and asks its audience to bring one or more things they would like to clear out and pass on to the performance. Quite literally, THE DECLUTTER SHOW pushes everyone involved to declutter and turn the mess into a spectacular dance experience that tugs at our own relationship with the amount of stuff that pile up in our lives and possibly (possibly not) this process will make us all happier.

So go ahead and declutter, find an old teddy bear or a piece of clothing (you no longer use), bring it to the show at Tjarnarbíó and see it become a part of an entertaining dance experience!

Artistic team:
Choreographer: Noora Hannula
Composer: Ida Duelund
Set design: Tine Jespersen
Costumes: Pernille Vestergaard
Lighting design: Viktor Holm Lauridsen
Sound design: Michael Brønddum
Production leader: Mathilde Gautard
PR: Cristina Agueda
Chris-Pascal Englund Braun, Helena Wilhelmsson,
Iiris Puustinen, Sóley Ólafsdóttir

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