© 2025 Tix Miðasala
Listaháskólinn Laugarnesi
14. - 15. maí
Sala hefst
15. mars 2025, 16:45
**Unnur Guðrún ÞórarinsdóttirSviðshöfundabrautSviðslistadeildListaháskóli Íslands**————————
We have 40 minutes to celebrate the queerness, fierceness, weirdness, the camp and a piece of our queer story! The story that haunts us, frees us, gives us power, makes us cry ourselves to sleep some nights and other nights party harder than ever before.We want see you, we want you to see us, we just want to break free!
**Aðstandendur//Participants:**Director: Unnur Guðrún ÞórarinsdóttirAssistant director: Sigríður HermannsdóttirAuthor: Unnur Guðrún Þórarinsdóttir and Sigríður HermannsdóttirCo author: Esjar DidziokasChoreographer: Álfheiður KarlsdóttirPerformers: Olga Maggý Winther and Esjar DidziokasDancers: Álfheiður Karlsdóttir and Rebekka Mirjam Rafnsdóttir (Yndi)Light design: Alex Leó KristinssonPhotographer & graphic design: Sigríður Hermannsdóttir
Þakkir//Thanks:Anna María Tómasdóttir, Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir, Nína Hjálmarsdóttir, Hrafnhildur Ingadóttir og Bekkurinn.
**Hvenær // When:**14. maí kl. 20:00-20:4515. maí kl. 19:00-19:4515. maí kl. 21:00-21:45
Hvar:Sýnt í Listaháskóla Íslands, Laugarnesvegur 91, 105 ReykjavíkRými: L143Gengið er inn um aðalinngang fyrir NEÐAN hús frá steypta bílastæðinu.*Tungumál: enska.
Where:Shown at the Iceland University of the Arts - Laugarnesvegur 91, 105 ReykjavíkSpace: L143You enter from the main entrance BELOW the building from the concrete parking lot.*Language: English.
--------------Leiðbeinendur//Instructors: Anna María Tómasdóttir & Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir, fagstjóri sviðshöfundabrautar.