

30 October

Ticket prices from

ISK 5,900

Listakonan Sigga Soffía sem hlaut bjartsýnisverðlaun forseta íslands 2023 er ekki við eina fjölina felld og ásamt því að gefa út ljóðabók og leikstýra verki á stóra sviði Þjóðleikhússins verður hún með óvanalegann leikhúsviðburð sem sýndur hefur verið á öldurhúsum víða.

Viðburðurinn vakti mikla athygli á Hönnunarmars 2021 og nú hefur Eldblómaupplifunin verið sýnd í Prag, Kaupmannahöfn, Árósum, Reykjavík og Vestfjörðum.

Viðburðurinn er sambræðingur vínsmökkunar, leikhúss, vöruhönnunar og danslistar - skemmtileg kvöldstund þar sem saga Eldblóma er sögð hvernig flugeldasýning varð danssýning sem varð að blómainnsetningu og nú hönnun á bleiku slaufunni 2024.

Hringrás Eldblóma lokast með líkjörnum Eldblóma Elexír - hinum eina sanna íslenska spritz. Drykkur hannaður af danslistamanninum Siggu Soffíu.

Innifalið í miðaverðinu er drykkurinn Eldblóma Elexír - hinn íslenski spritz.

Hvað bragða ég:

Hinn Íslenska Spritz - Fljótandi danssmíðar skreyttar með blómi.

Hverju fæ ég að ilma af:

Kynning á Eldblóma ilminum Perfumed choreography - scent of natural fireworks sem unninn er í samvinnu vid Fischer ilmgerð.

Hvað upplifi ég?

Lifandi frásögn Siggu Soffiu vínsmakk og ilmleiðsögn. Sigga Soffía talar meðan gestir geta dreypt á kokteilum. Kvöldið endar svo á hreyfipörun*

*Hreyfipörun eða Danspörun, er líkt og matarpörun með víni, nema farið verður yfir hvaða danshreyfingar henta með hvaða tegundum drykkja. Hvernig er best að dansa með rauðvínsglas vs kampavínsglas

Eldblóm - how dance became product design

DesignMarch 2024 and ongoing exhibition at Museum of Design Garðatorg

Eldblóm - Flowers of fire by artist Sigga Soffía is a shapeshifting project. A dance performance that evolved into a fireworks show that transformed into a flower installation that grew into product design: flowerboxes, fragrans and a liquor. A new drink on the market named "Liquid Choreography or „Eldblóma Elixir" a drink that has a high % of contemporary dance. It is the Icelandic Spritz made to be poured into dry champagne. The spirit of the drink is made from one of the fireflowers, chrysanthemum chispa, grown from seed in Iceland. It takes 5 months to grow the flowers for each batch, wild rubarb and artic thyme is handpicked by contemporary dancers and then the Elixir is of course bottled by ballerinas. To promote the products Sigga Soffia has created an event, a mixture of storytelling with a dash of taste and scent and a crash course in dancing with a champagne glass. This brings us full circle back to dance.

Sigga Soffía is a dancer and choreographer best known for her fireworks performances. Choreographing large scale display fireworks shows in Iceland and abroad. She has received much acclaim for her work, most recently the Optimism award 2023, awarded by the President of Iceland and the Artist of the Year 2024 in her hometown.

From singing one of the lead roles in the Opéra de Rouen in France, dancing at Paris fashion week, to choreographing a dance performance for 3 tons of fireworks in the center of Iceland's capital, Sigga Soffia explores movement in all its forms and mediums. Now a published author she moved from poetry to the stage of the National theater where she wrote and directed her first play.

At DesignMarch her work with fireworks and flowers hold the stage with the project Eldblóm - how dance became product design. The exhibition opened at the Museum of Design and Applied Art on the 23rd of April with an explosive bar and dancing cocktails. The exhibition consists of Sigga Soffias´ sketches, work documents, prototypes, and finished products. Her collaborators range from pyrotechnicians, landscape architects, distillers, fragrance specialists and many more.


Sigga Soffia graduated with a BA-Degree in Dance from Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2009 during which she did an exchange in acrobatics in Brussels at École Supérieure des Arts de Cirque. She was based in Brussels for 5 years freelancing as a dancer. She holds a private pilot license and graduated with an Executive MBA degree in 2021.

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