Hverfa/Liminal states

Reykjavík City Theatre

1. - 24 November

Ticket prices from

ISK 6,900

The Iceland Dance Company presents two new Icelandic dance pieces, premiered on the same evening on the main stage of the City Theatre. 


Work by Melkorka Sigríður Magnúsdóttir 

Hverfa is a requiem to the stage spectacle and an ode to the invisible theatrical apparatus that supports it. In it we are celebrating the back side of a stage curtain rather than its plush front. A hanger on an empty clothes rack rather than a garment for which it is supposedly made. A shifting entanglement of cables and speakers rather than a musical score emanating from the installation. A singing void of the empty audience rather than a collective body of a choir. 

As such, Hverfa is a joyful, irreverent, choreography performed at the threshold where negative and neglected in-between spaces are re-activated and re-evaluated. In their humorous and poetic invocation of the insignificant and invisible, two dancers play a role of the twin like mediums through whom emancipatory passage of the ordinary into the domain of the sacred is enacted.

Concept: Melkorka Sigríður Magnúsdóttir; Dancers: Ásgeir Helgi Magnússon, Andrean Sigurgeirsson; Stage- and costume design: Elín Hansdóttir; Music and sound: Árni Rúnar Hlöðversson; Light design: Jóhann Friðrik Ágústsson; Dramaturg: Igor Dobricic; Production: Milkywhale

Liminal States

Work by Margrét sara Guðjónsdóttir 

Watching the works of Margrét Sara is like looking into a fluid mirror. Here, time flows differently from what we are used to. The presence of the dancers on stage, the set design, and the music invite us to lean into an exciting expanse where inner and outer realities merge, offering us a dynamic and hypnotic experience. 

Concept: Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir; Dancers: Elín Signý Ragnarsdóttir, Erna Gunnarsdóttir, Félix Urbina Alejandre, Una Björg Bjarnadóttir; Music: Peter Rehberg; Light design: Jóhann Friðrik Ágústsson; Stage design: Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir; Costumes: Karen Briem

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