© 2025 Tix Ticketing
20 November
The Iceland Noir 2024 festival will take place in multiple venues across the city from Wednesday 20th - Saturday 23rd of November 2024.
Iceland Noir is a literature festival celebrating darkness in all its forms, held in Reykjavík at the darkest time of year. Founded by internationally bestselling Icelandic authors Ragnar Jónasson and Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, the festival started as a celebration of crime fiction in 2013. Although the name has stayed the same, the festival has evolved and grown and we now welcome writers from all genres, and our programme includes events exploring darkness in film and television through screenings and panels.
What brings everything together is the theme of darkness…
Living at the edge of the Arctic Circle, in a country famous for its wild weather, active volcanoes and stunning moon-like landscapes, Icelanders have developed a unique relationship with the darkness that covers the country for much of the year, and in it, found a seemingly endless capacity for creativity. The Iceland Noir literature festival celebrates that creativity across genres and storytelling mediums.
A ticket to Iceland Noir covers entry to all events and venues across the four days of the festival*, and includes exclusive access to the private members club Kjarval for the duration of the festival.
*Disclaimer: Please be aware that daytime events take place in smaller venues across the city, some with limited capacity. A festival ticket doesn’t guarantee entry to those daytime events. All daytime events are first-come, first-serve seating—please plan to arrive early for daytime events to secure a seat. However, all evening headline events take place at our bigger venue, and a ticket guarantees the holder entry to those events.
Fríkirkjupassi á Iceland Noir - 13.900 kr.
Aðgöngumiði sem gildir eingöngu á viðburði í Fríkirkjunni á meðan á Iceland Noir stendur, en þar munu helstu gestir hátíðarinnar koma fram. Dagskrá Iceland Noir má finna á www.icelandnoir.com