R.E.C Arts Reykjavík


4 shows

Ticket prices from

ISK 4,900

Listamanna- og aktavistahópurinn R.E.C. Arts Reykjavík kynnir „House of Revolution“, í samvinnu við Þjóðleikhús Íslands.

Þessar „gjörningaveislur“ sýna gnægð fjölbreyttra atvinnulistamanna sem búa á Íslandi. Komdu og njóttu sannkallaðs menningakokteils sem endurspeglar hina ótal mörgu, fögru óseðu króka og kima íslensks samfélags. Upplifðu einstakan og fjölbreyttan listaflutning, þar á meðal má nefna: lifandi tónlist, uppistand, dragsýningar, söngleik, slam-ljóð, danshópa, burlesque, spuna, söguflutningakeppni; allt er þetta flutt af listamönnum af minnihlutahópum og samfélögum (fólk af lit, LGBTQIA+, fatlað fólk, innflytjendur, flóttamenn osfrv.)

Listamenn verða tilkynntir síðar.

Tickets are on a sliding scale for financial accessibility:

4.500isk (suggested)

6.500isk (support the community!)

Choose the option that suits your financial means. Remember that if you can pay a higher price, you help pay for someone else's ticket.

*We also have 10 free tickets reserved for those with limited financial means. (please email recartsrvk@gmail.com to reserve one)

"the future is here!"

"this was something special"

"R.E.C Arts delivered a beautiful community- celebrating show tonight. I am so happy and grateful for the people doing so much work for visibility in our arts scene. Tonight's 'House of Revolution' showed the diverse and immense talent the arts scene has to offer. "

"Another amazing House of Revolution! Thank you for creating this amazing space. The show brings 'little me' so much joy and brings 'adult me' education and more laughter than I could imagine!"

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