© 2025 Tix Ticketing
Listaháskólinn Laugarnesi
1 March
3rd year solo work
Contemporary Dance Practices
Iceland University of the Arts
Zero tolerance is traveling through order and frustration, restrictions takes new shapes and kindness is long gone.
Leevi Mettinen is a Finnish dance artist and frustrated how fortunes are divided.
Bertine Bertelsen Fadnes
Jaakko Fagerberg
Thank you to the people who hated on me,
thank you to the people who loved, me.
thank you to the people who trusted me.
Thank you thank you to everybody.
Friday February 28th 20:00
Saturday March 1st 20:00
Big Black Box, L223 – Laugarnesvegur 91, 105 Reykjavík.
Enter from the entrance below the building, closest to Sæbraut.
There is a threshold to cross to enter the building.
L223 is on the 2nd floor. There is an elevator in the building that can be used to get to the 2nd floor, however the access to it is limited so please contact leevim22@lhi.is for further information.
Accessible toilets are on all floors of the building and all toilets are gender neutral.