
Norræna Húsið

Um viðburðinn

Sustainable, free-range and zero-waste are examples of upcoming food trends in the world right now. The trends are vital, as they create awareness of the value of food and an inherited respect for the planet we live on.

However, this is old news for the Sami people, who have a tradition of using in a sustainable way what nature has to offer.

Many are familiar with the Sami TV-chef Maret Ravdna Buljo from the hit-series “SMAKER FRÅN SÀPMI” (Tastes from Sápmi”), shown on e.g. SVT and NRK, which are the largest TV stations in Sweden and Norway.

Together, Maret Ravdna Buljo and renowned Icelandic TV-chef Sveinn Kjartansson are co-hosting this year’s Christmas gourmet event in The Nordic House.

You will hear about the Sami way of life and their perspective on hunting and gathering. Get practical advice, tips and recipes on how to better use the rich ingredients available in our cold northern climate. You can also get a taste of Maret’s own cooking, with ingredients ranging from reindeer to seaweed and local herbs.

The event is limited to 60 people. Registration at tix.is with a registration fee of 1500 ISK. Registration opens on November 20th at 16:30. The event will be in English.

More information at: https://nordichouse.is/event/slow-food-sami-christmas-cuisine/

Picture: MatPrat