
Event info
In place where everything is leaking and dripping strange ecosystems and uncanny causal relations emerge. Matter becomes entangled and stuck in strange loops and unfamiliar systems. The stage becomes an other-wordly ecosystem, in some way similar to ecosystems as can be found in nature, but here things are not as they seem. The relation between cause and effect, living and nonliving, artificial and natural, become uncertain and the chain of production, consumption and decomposition gets challenged.

Various landscapes appear briefly and then blur together again. They morph between swamps, mountains, underground landscapes, bacterial cultures and dystopia. They melt and drip and morph and mix, they get stuck in an endless loop until they dissolve, disintegrate, sulk and spill. 

Invisible forces play a leading role: humidity, waves, gravity and the electromagnetic field become a moving force in this uncanny ecosystem where something so simple as causality, becomes like a magical affair.

Concept and performance: Rósa Ómarsdóttir
Scenography: Dora Durkesac
Music by: Nicolai Hovgaard Johansen and Rósa Ómarsdóttir
Sound design: Nicolai Hovgaard Johansen
Light installation, light design and technical manager: Hákon Pálsson
Light assistance: Kjartan Darri Kristjánsson
Costume: Kristjana Björg Reynisdóttir
Dramaturgy: Ingrid Vranken
Artistic Assistance: Ana Dubljevic
Production: Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek
Co-Production: Chaillot Theatre National de la Dance, Bora Bora Dans og Visuelt Teatre, Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek and Tjarnarbíó

Supported by: KAAP Brugge, C-takt, Dansverkstæðið, Reykjavík Dance Festival, Icelandic Embassy in Paris

Special thanks for advice and assistance: Inga Huld Hákonardóttir, Vala Ómardóttir, Védís Kjartansdóttir, Sveinbjörn Thorarensen, Gulli Már, the crew of Tjarnarbíó, Halli í Þjóðleikhúsinu, Nicolas Bouscaud, Nicos Xenos, Michael Janssens, Jurica Seva