
Event info

Her voice - A conference on the health of women of foreign origin in Iceland

This year, the organisation Her Voice is holding a conference on the health of women of foreign origin in Iceland. The subject has not been thoroughly discussed in society, but in the time of COVID-19 it has become evident that further discussion and research is needed in this field. Topics of discussion will include the experience of women of foreign origin in the Icelandic healthcare system, accessibility and cultural sensitivity within it, as well as mental health, sexual health and freedom.

Her Voice is an Icelandic non-profit organisation based in Reykjavík, which strives to raise awareness of the experiences of women of foreign origin in Iceland. The purpose of the association is to promote awareness and education about the issues of women of foreign origin in Iceland, including the challenges that this group faces as well as their contributions to society. The aim of the association is to increase understanding and awareness of women of foreign origin in Icelandic society through various projects, such as events, panel discussions and conferences as well as other projects with the goal is to create a platform for women's voices of foreign origin to be heard in society.

We encourage you to buy tickets to the event as well as becoming a member of the organisation and simultaneously supporting ongoing projects related to the empowerment of women of foreign origin in Iceland.

Tickets for the conference and membership fees for the operating year 2021 - 2022: 1500 ISK.

Ticket to the conference: 1000 ISK.

More information about the conference can be found on our website: https://hennarrodd.is/

Sponsors and supporters:
The Icelandic Gender Equality Fund

W tym roku organizacja Her Voice organizuje w Islandii konferencje na temat zdrowia kobiet obcego pochodzenia. Temat nie zostal dokladnie omówiony w spoleczenstwie, ale w czasach COVID-19 stalo sie oczywiste, ze potrzebna jest dalsza dyskusja i badania w tej kwestii. Tematami dyskusji beda doswiadczenia kobiet obcego pochodzenia w islandzkim systemie opieki zdrowotnej, dostepnosc i wrazliwosc kulturowa w jego obrebie, a takze zdrowie psychiczne, seksualne i wolnosc.

Konferencja odbedzie sie w jezyku islandzkim i angielskim, bedzie tlumaczona na jezyk polski i angielski.

Her Voice to Islandzka organizacja non-profit z siedziba w Reykjaviku, która stara sie podniesc swiadomosc odnosnie doswiadczen kobiet obcego pochodzenia w Islandii, ich sukcesów i wyzwan, umozliwiajac wieksze zrozumienie i akceptacje w islandzkim spoleczenstwie.

Zachecamy do zakupu biletów na wydarzenie jak równiez zostania czlonkiem organizacji i jednoczesnego wspierania realizowanych projektów zwiazanych ze wsparciem kobiet obcego pochodzenia na Islandii.

Bilety na konferencje i skladki czlonkowskie na rok operacyjny 2021 - 2022: 1500 ISK.

Bilet na konferencje: 1000 ISK.


Wiecej informacji o konferencji mozna znalezc na naszej stronie internetowej: www.hennarrodd.is

Sponsorzy i sympatycy:
Islandzki Fundusz Równosci Plci