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Um viðburðinn


Um leið og sýningu á Stóra sviðinu lýkur spretta næturlífsnautnaseggirnir fram í Leikhúskjallaranum. Burlesque, kabarett, sirkus, drag og „alls konar fullorðins“ fyrir fólk sem hlær hátt! Allar eru sýningarnar ólíkar og yfir fjörutíu listamenn víðsvegar að koma fram yfir veturinn. Vinsamlega athugið að sýningin er stranglega bönnuð börnum og hentar ekki þeim sem óttast undur mannslíkamans.

Listrænir stjórnendur: Margrét Erla Maack og Gógó Starr.

Basement Burlesque

As soon as the highbrow play on the main stage of The National Theater is done, the creatures of the night wake up in the basement. The show is a variety show featuring burlesque, cabaret, circus, drag and other shenanigans. No show is the same and over forty artists from the blossoming Reykjavík variety scene take turns gracing the stage. Guests from London, Berlin and New York sometimes visit too!

Show is visual so no knowledge of the Icelandic Language is needed to enjoy the show. Show is hosted in a mix of English and Icelandic.

Please note that the show is not suitable for people under 18 years of age and if you do not enjoy the wonders of the human body, this show is not for you. Doors 9:30pm, show 10pm.