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Towards Sustainable Growth in a Competitive World - einstaka ráðstefnu þar sem færustu sérfræðingar á sviði viðskiptaþróunar, klasaþróunar og hringrásahagkerfisins mæta til leiks til að ræða möguleika og samkeppnishæfni Íslands á viðskiptalegum, samfélagslegum og faglegum grunni.

Ráðstefnan fer fram í Hörpu/Kaldalóni þann 10.september 2020  frá kl 8:30-11:30.

Dagskráin fer fram á ensku en skráning á viðburðinn fer fram hjá Hörpu/Tix.is

Þórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörð Gylfadóttir ráðherra iðnaðar, orkumála, nýsköpunar og ferðaþjónustu opnar ráðstefnuna en lykil fyrirlesarar verða þau Christian Ketels og Merete Daniel Nielsen.

Christian Ketels kemur frá Harvard Buisness School og er fyrrum yfirmaður efnahagsmála hjá Boston Consulting Group.

Merete Daniel Nielsen er stofnandi og framkvæmdastjóri  Cluster Excellence Denmark, og forseti alþjóða klasasamtakanna TCI Network

8:30 – 9:00 Skráning og morgunmatur

9:00 – Ávarp ráðherra – Þórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörð Gylfadóttir

9:10 - How to grow competitiveness through cluster-based economic development

Christian Ketels – Harvard Buisness School, former Chief Economist at the Boston Consulting Group

Dr. Ketels is visiting executive at Professor Michael E. Porter’s Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School, he is former Chief Economist of The Boston Consulting Group at the BCG Henderson Institute. Dr. Ketels has led cluster and competitiveness projects in many parts of the world. He is member of economic advisory groups in Europe and the Americas, has written widely on economic policy issues, is the co-editor of the Competitiveness Review, and has been a frequent speaker on competitiveness and strategy in Europe, North America and Asia. Christian Ketels has been on the Board of Directors of the TCI Network since October 2007, becoming its Secretary in October 2009 and President in December 2011. Today he is the Chair of the Board of Advisor at TCI.

9:40 - Clusters in the Circular Economy

Merete Daniel Nilsen - Founder and Director of Cluster Excellence Denmark, president of TCI –Global Network of Clusters.

Merete Daniel Nielsen is co-founder and co-director of Cluster Excellence Denmark, supporting Danish clusters on competence development, professionalization and internationalization. For the last 20 years, she has acted as an expert and leader in cluster and innovation projects at regional, national and international level mainly in Europe. Merete is member of the new Commission Expert Group on Clusters, at the European Commission. Merete Nilsen is the president of TCI, the leading global network of people and organizations working in clusters and innovation ecosystems around the world. TCI creates global connections, inspire clusters and improve policy learning. Founded in 1998, TCI Network is a non-profit, non-governmental organization open to members from all continents.  

Moderator – Ásta Kristin Sigurjónsdóttir, Cluster Manager at Iceland Tourism Cluster, member of the board of directors at TCI.

10:10 – 11:10 Panel discussion – Towards a sustainable growth and Competitiveness for the future