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Northern BrassWorks er verkefni vestur-íslendingsins Richard Gillis og þar er lögð áhersla hvatningu til tónsmíða og flutnings nýrra tónverka fyrir málmblásturshljóðfæri.  Á þessum tónleikum koma fram ásamt Richard Gillis, bróðir hans Glen Gillis, sonur Richards, Jonathan Gillis, James Cunningham og Helga Bryndís Magnúsdóttir og flutt verður tónlist samin og útsett af þeim Richard, Glen og James.

Eins og hljóðfæraskipanin segir til um eru þetta ekki hefðbundin málmblásturshljóðflæri og meðal tónverka sem munu heyrast verða:
Dreams & Dances (trompet, saxófónn og píanó): Richard Gillis

Blues & Remembrance (trompet, saxófónn og píanó): Richard Gillis

Elegy Cadenza (saxófónn og píanó): Glen Gillis

Dream (trompet og píanó): Richard Gillis

Huff ’N Puffs (trompet, saxófónn, básúna og didgeridoo): Richard Gillis

Didgeri-doodles (didgeridoo, saxófónn og trompet): Richard Gillis


Richard Gillis – trompet

Glen Gillis – saxófónn

James Cunningham – didgeridoo

Helga Bryndís Magnúsdóttir – píanó

Jonathan Gillis – básúna


Sjá nánar um tónleikana og flytjendur á www.jrmusic.is

Richard Gillis is a full professor and brass chair at the University of Manitoba (in Winnipeg), and is artistic director of the Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra. Over the past 15 years he has performed with several Icelandic musicians, and has recorded with Bjorn Thoroddsen, Jon Rafnsson, Guitar Islancio and the Reykjavik Big Band.




Glen Gillis is full professor at the University of Saskatchewan where he teaches saxophone, conducting and music education. He is a Conn-Selmer artist and has performed as a classical saxophonist in North America, Europe and Asia. glengillis.com

James Cunningham is an associate professor at Florida Atlantic University where he teaches ethnomusicology. As a didgeridoo artist he has performed around the world and recorded several albums. jamesecunningham.org/ethnosfl


Music is on Spotify:

Richard: https://open.spotify.com/album/5cr0DsDjL0dKr1o7pQX7Hf

Glen: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1q4apeTfPRKHeBybUhMiUL

James: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4rLdYA7YkEBQOWrj6XnuOE