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MENGI is excited to present a unique pairing of three adventurous musicians, all with deep connections to the operation, playing together for the very first time: Skúli Sverrisson, John McCowen & Guðmundur Arnalds

Skúli Sverrisson has built a unique career as a composer, instrumentalist and producer. He has worked with great artists such as Ryuichi Sakamoto, Bára Gísladóttir, Shoplifter and Wadada Leo Smith. One of Skúli’s latest releases is the record Strata where he plays his own compositions with the legendary Bill Frisell.

John McCowen is a composer/clarinetist focused on extending the possibilities of the clarinet. His work has been described by The New Yorker as “the sonic equivalent of microscopic life viewed on a slide”. John's multiphonic approach embraces drones, difference tones, and beating harmonics as a means to showcase the compositional potential within a single, acoustic sound source.

Guðmundur Arnalds is an electronic musician based in Reykjavík. He's been prolific in the Reykjavík scene over the past couple of years working in different fields mainly through the collectives such as Mengi, Spectral Assault Records, Agalma, and Post-Dreifing. His catalog ranges from understated and delicate to harsh and gritty with ease, showcasing versatile interests and influences which can be seen throughout his evergrowing catalog of projects and collaborations.

Doors open 19:30 | Tickets 3.500 kr


MENGI er spennt að kynna einstaka tónleika Skúla Sverrissonar, John McCowen og Guðmundar Arnalds þar sem ævintýragjarn flutningur verður í forgrunni. Allir eru þeir nátengdir starfsemi staðarins en hafa aldrei spilað áður saman í þessari mynd.

Skúli Sverrisson hefur byggt upp einstakan feril sem tónskáld, hljóðfæraleikari og upptökustjóri. Hann hefur unnið með frábærum listamönnum á borð við Ryuichi Sakamoto, Báru Gísladóttur, Shoplifter og Wadada Leo Smith. Af nýlegri útgáfum Skúla ber að nefna dúóplötuna Strata þar sem hann leikur eigin tónsmíðar með hinum víðfræga Bill Frisell.

John McCowen er tónskáld og klarinett leikari sem einblínir á mismunandi möguleika hljóðfærisins. Tónlist hans hefur verið lýst sem hljóðrænni hliðstæðu þess að kanna örlíf undir smásjá.

Guðmundur Arnalds er raftónlistarmaður sem hefur komið víða við á undanförnum árum. Tónlist hans einkennist af einskærri forvitni og ævintýragirni í raftónlist og hljóðforritun.

Húsið opnar 19:30 | Miðaverð 3.500 kr