
Um viðburðinn

Myrkir músíkdagar 2023

A programme of music reflecting on the past, through evocations of the sea, folklore and the natural world. Intimate and dramatic soundscapes, created by six composers with unique musical voices. Two vibrant new works, written by Lilja Maria Ásmundsdóttir and Linda Buckley, were jointly commissioned by; Dark Music Days, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival and New Music Dublin. The music by the four remaining composers, creates a journey in sound of stunning beauty, dark vulnerability and courageous creativity.

Lilja Maria Asmundsdottir: Tracing (Iceland premiere)
Deirdre McKay: Time, Shining (Iceland premiere)
Anna Thorvaldsdottir: Reminiscence (Iceland premiere)
Per Norgard: Remembering OR Achilles
Maria Huld Markan Sigfusdottir: Aequora
Linda Buckley: Water witch (Iceland premiére)

Tónleikarnir eru um klukkustund að lengd, án hlés.