
Um viðburðinn

Inasand … is an interactive participatory piece, a sense-making experience of collaborative creativity activating your senses. The project becomes a space where researching, experiencing, and interpreting are brought directly to you as an audience, connecting the external and internal through sand.

Helga Arnalds is a cross-disciplinary artist practicing across the boundaries of performance, visual theatre, and installation. She has developed an internationally recognised body of visual-theatre with her theatre group 10 FINGERS. Her work often focuses on the animation of materials, the inner sensing of both performer and audience, and the creative journey engaging with all of the senses.

“When working with natural materials, I have been curious to explore if it is possible to bring into the performing space the same deep, sensorial experience that people sometimes have in nature.”

“We think more than we can say.
We feel more than we can think.
We live more than we can feel.
And there is much more still.”
(Eugene Gendlin, 1971)

Fri 26.8 at 19:15: Q&A with Sigríður Sunna Reynisdóttir

Tecnical assistance : Valdimar Jóhannsson

8 mm films: Ragnar Arnalds

Thanks to my mentors: Angela Rawlings, Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir, Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir, Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir, Sigríður Sunna Reynisdóttir and Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir. To Brogan Davidson, my MFA programme director and supporter; Beatrice Blake, my Focusing mentor; Baruch Brenner and Dana Ganahar, my TAE mentors; Rene Baker, my “listening to the material” mentor; Hallveig Thorlacius and Ragnar Arnalds, my life mentors; Kaisa Kukkonen, Mart Piirimees, Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir, Sóley Frostadóttir, Anna Margrét Ólafsdóttir, and Gunnella Hólmarsdóttir, my co-students in the MFA program; Elías, Úlfur and Hallveig my supportive crew; and Egill Ingibergsson and Valdimar Jóhannsson, my technical mentors.

Please note that the number of seats is limited to 15 people at a time.