
  • 5. & 6. september
Um viðburðinn

Náttúrumiðaðar lausnir fyrir vatnavistkerfi

Samfélagslegar áskoranir vegna breytinga á umhverfi og loftslagi kalla á breytta nálgun lausna við umhverfis- og auðlindanýtingu. Náttúrumiðaðar lausnir eru ein þeirra lausna og felast í aðgerðum til að vernda, nýta á sjálfbæran hátt og endurheimta náttúruleg og breytt vistkerfi með það að markmiði að vernda lífbreytileika og auka velferð fólks.

Dagana 5. - 6. september 2022 halda Orka náttúrunnar, Verkís, Umhverfisstofnun og Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands vinnustofu fyrir náttúrumiðaðar lausnir fyrir vatnavistkerfi í húsakynnum OR að Bæjarhálsi 1 í Reykjavík.

Vinnustofan er haldin í samstarfi við breska sérfræðinga á sviði endurheimtar vatnavistkerfis: CBEC – Restoration specialists for the water environment og Salix – Building with nature og McGowan Environmental Engineering - Naturally Different.

Vinnustofan er hugsuð fyrir alla áhugasama en er líka frábært tækifæri fyrir hönnuði og tæknimenntað fólk að koma og fá leiðbeiningar frá sérfræðingum í faginu.

ON mun planta fimm birkitrjám á hvern þátttakanda til kolefnisjöfnunar á vinnustofunni.  

Þetta mun að mestu leyti fara fram á ensku. 

Vonandi sjáum við sem flesta.


Introducing a workshop for nature-based solutions in managing the natural water environment. Nature-based Solutions are actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified ecosystems that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously benefiting people and nature (from IUCN). 

Nature-based solutions (NBS) provide a more sustainable approach to managing our natural environment; fundamentally, they work with natural physical and ecological processes, rather than more traditional ‘hard engineering’ that aims to resist environmental change. In this way, such approaches are much more sensitive to our societal need to urgently address the climate and biodiversity crises, while also benefiting more local scale ecological condition. This workshop will focus on aspects relating to the freshwater environment (i.e. rivers, their floodplains, wetlands), although also considering other applications. 

The workshop will be structured around a first day of informative seminars and a second day of field visits. The series of seminars will cover: a general introduction to the principles/ concepts of NBS; the current and Icelandic legislative/ policy context and examples from a municipality in bluegreen-solutions. the experience of the application of NBS in the UK and Norway (including the challenges relating to policy, expertise, perception etc); practical examples of the delivery of NBS across a range of applications (e.g. the river environment, constructed integrated wetlands, peatlands, slope stabilisation, soil erosion control and sustainable access infrastructure / footpaths etc in sensitive environments). 

The workshop is free of charge. ON will in addition plant five birch trees for each participant in the workshop. The workshop will mostly be in English.