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Lára Bryndís Eggertsdóttir organisti í Grafarvogskirkju og Dorthe Højland saxófónleikari eða Duo BARAZZ leika hádegistónleika á Orgelsumri í Hallgrímskirkju.

Duo BARAZZ skipa saxófónleikarinn Dorthe Højland frá Danmörku og Lára BryndísEggertsdóttir organisti Grafarvogskirkju. Lára og Dorthe hófu samstarf og samspil í Danmörku og hafa haldið fjölmarga tónleika saman, meðal annars hér á Íslandi í Hallgrímskirkju og víðar. Lára hefur meðal annars sérhæft sig í flutningi BARokktónlistar meðan Dorthe er fyrst og fremst jAZZari-og þannig varð til nafnið Duo BARAZZ til. Þegar þessir tveir heimar mætast gerist ýmislegt óvænt og spennandi, og þar að auki er hugmyndaflugi þeirra Láru og Dorthe nær engin takmörk sett þegar kemur að lagavali.

Lára Bryndís Eggertsdóttir lauk einleikaraprófi frá Tónskóla Þjóðkirkjunnar undirleiðsögn Harðar Áskelssonar. Árið 2018 flutti Lára aftur heim til Íslands eftir 10 ára búsetu í Danmörku þar sem hún lauk meistaraprófi í kirkjutónlist frá Tónlistarháskólanum í Árósum vorið 2014. Aðalkennarar hennar þar voru Ulrik Spang-Hanssen á orgel og Lars Colding Wolf í semballeik. Einnig starfaði hún sem organisti við Sønderbro kirkju í Horsens og semballeikari hjá barokksveitinni Baroque Aros í Árósum. Í apríl 2022 tók Lára Bryndís við stöðu organista við Grafarvogskirkju í Reykjavík.


Dorthe Højland stundaði nám í saxófónleik og kennslufræðum við Tónlistarháskólann í Álaborg, og síðar bæði saxófónleik og tónsmíðar hjá hinum margverðlaunaða Jane Ira Bloom í New York. Dorthe leikur með ýmsum tónlistarhópum, þ. á m. Dorthe Højland Group, Højland-Stief-Højland með hinumþekktadanska bassaleikara Bo Stief, og saxófónkvartettinum Sax Talk. Hún er búsett í Ry í Danmörku.

Lára Bryndís Eggertsdóttir, organist at Grafarvogskirkja, Reykjavík and the saxophonist Dorthe Højland perform together as Duo BARAZZ at The Organsummer in Hallgrímskirkja.

Duo BARAZZ consists of the saxophonist Dorthe Højland and the organist Lára Bryndís Eggertsdóttir. The two musicians are grounded in two different styles of music: Lára’s great passion is the BARoque style, while Dorthe is committed to jAZZ-of this the duo-name BARAZZ. Combining the two worlds with Lára’s and Dorthe’s musical approaches, unexpected and magical things happen. After many years of playing concerts in Iceland and Denmark the duo has developed its own sound: a bit of baroque, a bit of jazz, a bit of mystery, a bit of cultural heritage. So,to put it briefly: A little bit of everything!

The Icelandic Lára Bryndís Eggertsdóttir completed her soloist diploma from the National Church School of Musicin Iceland under the guidance of Hörður Áskelsson. She moved back to Icelandin 2018 after living in Denmark for 10 years. There she pursued further studies (Cand. Mus.) in church music at the Aarhus Royal Academy of Music, as well as holding the position of organist at Sønderbro Church in Horsens and principal harpsichordist of the professional baroque ensemble BaroqueAros in Aarhus. Lára Bryndís Eggertsdóttir is since April 2022 organist at Grafarvogskirkja in Reykjavík, the largest congregation in Iceland.

The Danish Dorthe Højland received her degree in saxophone performance and pedagogy from The Academy of Music in Aalborg, Denmark, and has studied saxophone and composition with award-winning soprano saxophonist Jane Ira Bloom in New York who wrote: “She is a serious performer and a composer as well as one who approaches improvisation with a deep thoughtfulness and passion”. Dorthe is the leader of her own group, Dorthe Højland Group, and she plays as well with the Danish veteran jazz bassist Bo Stief, Højland-Stief-Højland, and the saxophone quartet SaxTalk. She lives in Ry, Denmark.