
  • 2. - 3. desember
Um viðburðinn

Doomcember was founded in 2016 and started organizing festivals in 2018 in an attempt to gather fans of doom metal, stoner rock, psychedelic music and other appropriately dark music. The first festival went beyond expectations and has been celebrated at the end of each year since (except for 2020 due to COVID-19), growing each time to enhance more of the doom era of Iceland and beyond.

All of the organizers have been active in the Icelandic underground scene for a decade or more so it has been little trouble bringing the best of the bunch to the festivals, celebrating brand new bands as well as raising old loved ones from the dead.

Doomcember prioritises the slowest, grooviest and heaviest if international bands, with the past roasters being a small example of our commitment.

The festival is held at Gaukurinn, downtown Reykjavík, which has served as the core of the Icelandic scene for the last years. The place is known for its friendly atmosphere and various acts performed there. With enough amps, massive drumd and then turning it up to 11, the place upholds an oppressive sonic attack on your ears and state of being.

Doomcember will be held at the 2nd and 3rd of December 2022 for the fourth time.

Kurokuma (UK)
We Made God
Dead Coyote
Á Geigsgötum
K. Fenrir
Ultra Magnus

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