RUSL is a sustainable design festival focusing on circular thinking and its application within art, design and culture. The festival is held within the new creative neighborhood of Gufunes. A week-long event with workshops, lectures, exhibitions, dinners and social gatherings. Included in your ticket is a workshop, daily lunch & dinner, lectures, events over the week and access to the final party BUXUR.
Festival pass is 25.000 isk
RUSL er lista og hönnunarhátíð í Gufunesi, nýju skapandi hverfi Reykjavíkurborgar. Hátíðin leggur áherslu á hringrásahugsun í samhengi menninga, lista og hönnunar með sérstaka áherslu á byggingariðnaðinn. Vikan samanstendur af vinnustofum, viðburðum, sýningum, trash talks og tónleikum.
Innifalið í verðinu er þátttaka í listasmiðju, hádegismatur og kvöldmatur og miði á BUXUR.
Verð: 25.000kr.
Trash Sounds is an intensive workshop on designing & performing with intelligent musical instruments made from used materials. You will learn techniques for real-time audio programming, creative AI for gesture-sound mapping, sonic interaction design, physical instrument craft, & speculative design.
FOOD is a laboratory focused on alternative ways of producing, preparing and consuming food. With hands-on learning of foraging, fermenting or composting, we will get to know the Icelandic food system and collectively think about a more sustainable food future. The outcome of this workshop is a dinner for participants and their guests on Friday night, no waste.
Tomorrow, as the snow melts away, it reveals $$$ / Á morgun koma krónur undan snjónum
Workshop focused on architecture and sustainability in which we will repurpose discarded materials for speculative building components.
Mural and Sign Painting / Vegglistavinnustofan
A 5-day workshop where the fundamentals of sign- and mural painting are explored, as well as their transformative power within our society.
The workshop revolves around building, using hands-on solutions whilst repurposing materials from the building- and film industry for changing our local area of Gufunes.
The FÚSK project space is a socially-driven laboratory for urban experiments and culture. Let's revitalise our own environment and make an impact on our own surroundings.
More informations about workshops and program on