
  • 27. júní - 1. júlí
Um viðburðinn

RUSL is a sustainable design festival focusing on circular thinking and its application within art, design and culture. The festival is held within the new creative neighborhood of Gufunes. A week-long event with workshops, lectures, exhibitions, dinners and social gatherings. Included in your ticket is a workshop, daily lunch & dinner, lectures, events over the week and access to the final party BUXUR.

Festival pass is 25.000 isk


RUSL er lista og hönnunarhátíð í Gufunesi, nýju skapandi hverfi Reykjavíkurborgar. Hátíðin leggur áherslu á hringrásahugsun í samhengi menninga, lista og hönnunar með sérstaka áherslu á byggingariðnaðinn. Vikan samanstendur af vinnustofum, viðburðum, sýningum, trash talks og tónleikum.

Innifalið í verðinu er þátttaka í listasmiðju, hádegismatur og kvöldmatur og miði á BUXUR.

Verð: 25.000kr.


    Trash Sounds is an intensive workshop on designing & performing with intelligent musical instruments made from used materials. You will learn techniques for real-time audio programming, creative AI for gesture-sound mapping, sonic interaction design, physical instrument craft, & speculative design. 

    FOOD is a laboratory focused on alternative ways of producing, preparing and consuming food. With hands-on learning of foraging, fermenting or composting, we will get to know the Icelandic food system and collectively think about a more sustainable food future. The outcome of this workshop is a dinner for participants and their guests on Friday night, no waste.

  • Tomorrow, as the snow melts away, it reveals $$$ / Á morgun koma krónur undan snjónum
    Workshop focused on architecture and sustainability in which we will repurpose discarded materials for speculative building components.

  • Mural and Sign Painting / Vegglistavinnustofan
    A 5-day workshop where the fundamentals of sign- and mural painting are explored, as well as their transformative power within our society.

    The workshop revolves around building, using hands-on solutions whilst repurposing materials from the building- and film industry for changing our local area of Gufunes.


The FÚSK project space is a socially-driven laboratory for urban experiments and culture. Let's revitalise our own environment and make an impact on our own surroundings.

More informations about workshops and program on ruslfest.is

For all workshops: House opens at 9:45 and the workshops starts at 10:00 on Monday 27th.