
Um viðburðinn

Note: In addition to this ticket, all festival guests must have a RVK Fringe wristband, which are always available for 1000 ISK online or at the door. The wristband is valid throughout the festival and offers various discounts. 

Athugið: Auk þessa miða þurfa allir hátíðargestir að vera með RVK Fringe armband, sem er ætíð fáanlegt fyrir 1000 kr á netinu eða við hurð. Hátíðararmbandið gildir alla hátíðina og veitir ýmsa afslætti. 

Join us on a comedic journey down the rabbit hole--where Alice in Wonderland meets Soviet Era spy novel...
If you've ever felt fed up with trying to fit in, simply weary of the seriousness, rules, restrictions, expectations, and stifling obligations that come with being human, this show is for you.
Because after all we've been through this past year,
EVERYONE deserves to be a little MORE CAT!