
Um viðburðinn

Kaupa hátíðararmband HÉR

There are many struggles included in being an artist, we all know that. Being disabled adds its own difficulties. Having a pandemic hit the world surely has some added baggage. The other half of your art duo, coming down with a mystery illness, is quite disruptive. Having all normal life fall out of place, therefore making it impossible to make an art piece based on a comparison of normal life and life as a disabled person isn’t helping. 

So… This is not a show. But it might be a tale, or it might be a standup, or it might be the delusional rant of a half comatose chronic patient. It surely is a chaotic jumble of information, sadness, inside humour and absurdity, befitting the world stage today. 

Note: At RVK Fringe the performers receive 100% of the ticket sales. To support the festival itself guests are required to make a one-time purchase of a festival wristband for 1000 ISK. The wristband is valid throughout the festival and provides discounts at venue bars. 

Athugið: Á RVK Fringe fá listamennirnir 100% af söluágóða. Til að styrkja við hátíðina sjálfa þurfa gestir að versla hátíðararmband fyrir 1000 krónur auk miða á einstaka viðburði. Hátíðararmband er forsenda þess að gestir geti nýtt miða sína og þurfa gestir að sýna armbandið þegar miðum er framvísað við inngang viðburða. Armbandið gildir út hátíðina og veitir afslætti á börum sýningarstaða. Armbönd má sækja í dyrunum á öllum viðburðum. Armbönd má einnig kaupa við dyrnar.

Reykjavik Fringe 2020