
Um viðburðinn

Kaupa hátíðararmband HÉR

"Jono Duffy had the best year of his stand up comedy career in 2019. He toured Europe, travelled to different comedy festivals and was consistently booked here in Iceland. He was living the dream he had in his early twenties; there was just one problem; he wasn’t sure if he even wanted this dream anymore.

Join this Australian-born, Iceland-based comedian as he lays out his own existential crisis for your entertainment. What is it like to suddenly wonder if you are funny anymore or were ever really that funny in the first place? What would it be like to quit when you are only moderately successful at something? Would it have been different if he was straight and had children?

Don’t miss what could very well be the last comedy show Jono ever performs, because he’s tired.

Á RVK Fringe fá listamennirnir 100% af söluágóða. Til að styrkja við hátíðina sjálfa þurfa gestir að versla hátíðararmband fyrir 1000 krónur auk miða á einstaka viðburði. Hátíðararmband er forsenda þess að gestir geti nýtt miða sína og þurfa gestir að sýna armbandið þegar miðum er framvísað við inngang viðburða. Armbandið gildir út hátíðina og veitir afslætti á börum sýningarstaða. Armbönd má sækja í dyrunum á öllum viðburðum. Armbönd má einnig kaupa við dyrnar.