
Um viðburðinn

Kaupa hátíðararmband HÉR

Them is a theatre piece investigating masculinity in our society and how it affects us. Our female bodies explore masculinity and male stories with the aim to find the humanity that connects us and thereby reaching closer to equality. Is it possible to just be human in a world still dominated by the patriarchy, where the masculine receives more respect than the feminine and gender norms are preventing us from progressing?

We look at masculinity from a feminine angle and feel how it manifests itself, both around and within us. Because masculinity, whether toxic or not, lives within all of us, regardless of gender.

The piece is based on dozens of interviews with men, mostly in the nordic countries, about their experience of masculinity and life in general, as well as intertwining our own stories and experiences of living in a world that is not designed for us. We dive into the subject and we share the good, the bad, the painful, the tragic and the hilarious.

Them is devised and performed by the nordic theatre group Spindrift. It is a theatre piece that because of Covid, and no air traffic to carry the participants between countries, grew wings of its own and became a video piece, and will be presented at the festival as work in process.

The performance will be in English. It will be broadcasted online and on the big screen in Tjarnarbíó.

At RVK Fringe the performers receive 100% of the ticket sales. To support the festival itself guests are required to make a one-time purchase of a festival wristband for 1000 ISK. The wristband is valid throughout the festival and provides discounts at venue bars.


Á RVK Fringe fá listamennirnir 100% af söluágóða. Til að styrkja við hátíðina sjálfa þurfa gestir að versla hátíðararmband fyrir 1000 krónur auk miða á einstaka viðburði. Hátíðararmband er forsenda þess að gestir geti nýtt miða sína og þurfa gestir að sýna armbandið þegar miðum er framvísað við inngang viðburða. Armbandið gildir út hátíðina og veitir afslætti á börum sýningarstaða. Armbönd má sækja í dyrunum á öllum viðburðum. Armbönd má einnig kaupa við dyrnar.

Reykjavik Fringe 2020