
Um viðburðinn

Kaupa hátíðararmband HÉR

Icelandic comedian Helgi Steinar returns from lockdown and back on to the stage with his 6th comedy special. What began as a normal beginning to another normal year quickly spiralled out of control during a time that Helgi was reaching some of the biggest milestones of his life - landing himself both a dream job and buying his first apartment.
As a travelling comedian, the global travel ban hit Helgi pretty extensively as he ironically performed a standup comedy show in Wuhan in 2019, 4 days before the virus broke out.
Good Cure for Tragic Life focuses on the plethora of crazy events that have shaped the life of this Icelandic born, American-raised, Chinese-speaking comedian.
During times of global pandemics and massive social unrest, it's always the most unlikely people who get put in the most unusual positions. In this latest comedy show, Helgi Steinar tackles the ridiculousness of this slowly imploding world of ours and its relation to a soon-to-be out of work comedian simply trying to make ends meet.


Á RVK Fringe fá listamennirnir 100% af söluágóða. Til að styrkja við hátíðina sjálfa þurfa gestir að versla hátíðararmband fyrir 1000 krónur auk miða á einstaka viðburði. Hátíðararmband er forsenda þess að gestir geti nýtt miða sína og þurfa gestir að sýna armbandið þegar miðum er framvísað við inngang viðburða. Armbandið gildir út hátíðina og veitir afslætti á börum sýningarstaða. Armbönd má sækja í dyrunum á öllum viðburðum. Armbönd má einnig kaupa við dyrnar.

Reykjavik Fringe 2020