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Kaupa hátíðararmband HÉR

"Big Red, Little Blue is a brand new show from the unique and talented minds of Big Red Arnór Daði and Little Blue Huw Coverdale Jones.

Huw Coverdale Jone is a long time stalwart of the local Reykjavik comedy scene, bringing the sum of his new material from 2020 to this year’s Reykjavik Fringe. Critically acclaimed amongst his colleagues, Huw is known for his dry one liners, world weary observations, and consistent deadpan delivery. This year he continues to develop his nonsensical one liners, while also bringing the best of his material from last year’s Someone Else’s sadness.

Lamentably, despite lofty ambitions, Little Blue Huw was unable to develop a full new show due to 2020’s apocalyptic happenings. Enter Big Red Arnór Daði, hands down the funniest man from his small Northern Iceland village. Arnór navigates the comedy world with his innocently awkward outlook, self deprecating attitude, and tall stories of rural Icelandic life.

The show will take place at the Secret Cellar, Iceland’s only comedy club.

Á RVK Fringe fá listamennirnir 100% af söluágóða. Til að styrkja við hátíðina sjálfa þurfa gestir að versla hátíðararmband fyrir 1000 krónur auk miða á einstaka viðburði. Hátíðararmband er forsenda þess að gestir geti nýtt miða sína og þurfa gestir að sýna armbandið þegar miðum er framvísað við inngang viðburða. Armbandið gildir út hátíðina og veitir afslætti á börum sýningarstaða. Armbönd má sækja í dyrunum á öllum viðburðum. Armbönd má einnig kaupa við dyrnar.

Reykjavik Fringe 2020