
Bíó Paradís

Um viðburðinn

Jeff “The Dude” Lebowski þykir fátt skemmtilegra en að liggja í leti, reykja jónur og hanga með félögum sínum í keilusalnum. En eftir að hann er fyrir misskilning tekinn fyrir að vera milljónamæringur sem ber sama nafn og hann, flækist hann í nær óskiljanlegan glæpaþráð.

Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore og þú á FÖSTUDAGSPARTÍSÝNINGU, 2. júní kl 21:00! Myndin er sýnd í 4K í tilefni af 25 ára afmæli myndarinnar.


‘The Dude’, Jeff Lebowski is unemployed and as laid-back as they come. That is until he becomes a victim of mistaken identity, and two thugs break into his apartment with the errant belief that they’re strong-arming Jeff Lebowski – the Pasadena millionaire. In the hope of getting a replacement for his soiled carpet, ‘the Dude’ pays a visit to his wealthy namesake…

“Walter, the chinamen who peed on my rug I can’t give him a bill, so what the fuck are you talking about?”

A true Friday Night Party screening, June 2nd at 9PM. Screened in 4K.