
Norræna Húsið

Event info

Beautiful, fierce and deadly, Hallgerd is not a woman to be taken lightly, ripping through husbands like a falcon through its prey. But has she met her match in Gunnar, a true Viking hero?

Katy Cawkwell tells episodes from the great Icelandic Njal’s Saga, offering a fascinating glimpse into pagan society in the land of fire and ice.

Darkly comic, tragically romantic by turns: this is the original Nordic Noir, a tale full of sex, murder, power politics and the importance of salt fish...

Beautifully told, all the subtle shadings of character, fate and landscape, immersing us in a fully realised world.”

I was completely swept away... my first storytelling experience and I was captivated!

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Katy has been storytelling for 20 years across Britain and beyond – she is well-known for unravelling epic narratives into compelling, glittering stories that linger in the mind long after they are told. www.katycawkwell.co.uk

Aimed at adults, unsuitable for under 12s. Running time: two halves of approx. 50 mins each.