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Norræna Húsið

Event info

Is it possible to make music from sign language? Art Across presents for the second time a novel form of artistry and storytelling told through the combination of senses. Mixing signs, sounds, lights, and vibrations to create music like you have never seen before.

This is a collaborative project that joins vocalists and sign language artists, Deaf and hearing, to create a multi-sensory concert experience that is made to be enjoyed by all, regardless of background or hearing ability.

Icelandic Sign Language will take the center stage in this program: instead of translating lyrics originating from hearing artists, we composed music starting from sign language works. We are back again with two performances from a sold-out show last October that has received glowing reviews:

"I was deeply touched by what you all made me experience yesterday [...] it was breathtaking." - Heleen Vegter

Come and see how we Sing the Signs and explore the ways in which music can be felt and seen just as much as heard. Where different concepts and artforms come together to create meaning and bring people together. Discover how sign language and vocal language complete each other and how someone else’s experience can enrich your own.

Eventually I discovered, by taking the hearing aids off, that I could hear less through the ears and more through the body.

-Evelyn Glennie, deaf percussionist