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The newly-formed Young Nordic Opera Choir performs at the final concert of the Reykjavík Opera Days on Sunday October 29th 2023 at 18:00

The program consists of pearls from the European operatic repertoire; choirs from Turandot and Madame Butterfly (Puccini), Nabucco (Verdi), Fidelio (Beethoven) and Faust and Romeo and Juliet (Gounod). The baritone Jóhann Kristinsson joins the choir and performs arias from e.g. Carmen (Bizet), Maskarade (Nielsen) and Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni). Danish conductor Magnus Larsson conducts the concert and Louise Schrøder plays the piano.

The choir consists of thirty Nordic singers, either young professional singers or advanced students, at the age of 18-35 years. Young singers from the Nordic countries had the opportunity to apply for a position in the choir this spring. The Young Nordic Opera Choir performed its debut concert at the Herning Opera Festival in Denmark in August and this Nordic collaborative project became reality with a generous grant from the A.P. Møller Foundation.


Young Nordic Opera Choir

Jóhann Kristinsson, singer

Magnus Larsson, conductor

Louise Schrøder, pianist