
Event info

Iris Thorarins (IS) is the home of compositions and sound design by Íris Hrund Thorarins. In addition, Íris also curates the project ÍRiiS (solo artist) as well as being a member of the band Grúska Babúska. LIVE GAMES LIVE MUSIC is a virtual choreography, where the composer - Iris Thorarins - is paired with a video game, and a game player. The composer improvises in tune with the player´s movements in the game. For RVK Fringe, Iris will performed a live musical score for the underwater world of the video game ABZÛ (by Giant Squid Studios), alongside game-player Joon. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9PoYJD4wBI

Reykjavik Fringe 2019