
Event info

Bird & Bat presents SPOR, interactive dance performance for children 4-7 years old.

SPOR is an exploration through the spheres of energy, the mysterious strength that is in all things. Guests are invited into a world where all senses are alert, where one can perceive the energy of the ocean, earth, space but also the energy that lives within ourselves. Children will follow wild dancing creatures and be invited to discover the environment by themselves. What kind of energy lies in darkness? Are we energy greedy or do we give as much energy as we receive?

Length of the performance: about 40 minutes
Participants: 30
Tickets price: 2.900 ISK
Performances: 31. March, 6. & 7. April 1 PM and 3 PM (tickets available at tix.is soon)

SPOR will also be open as an installation in April.

SPOR is a collaboration with artists in Norway, Finland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands and will travel to Greenland and Faroe Islands. The project is co-produced by the Nordic house in Reykjavík, NAPA in Nuuk and supported by the Icelandic Ministry of Education- and Culture, the Icelandic Theatre Fund, the Icelandic Artists Salary Fund, Nordic Culture Fund and the city of Reykjavík.

Authors: Bird & Bat
Dance: Tinna Grétarsdóttir
Installation, Props and costumes: Guðný Hrund Sigurðardóttir
Music and Soundscape: Sólrún Sumarliðadóttir
Dancers: Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir & Snædís Lilja Ingadóttir
Light design: Magnús Arnar Sigurðarson & Mari Agge

Bird & Bat is an Icelandic Company that produces performances for young audiences. The artistic team consists of Tinna Grétarsdóttir choreographer, Sólrún Sumarliðadóttir, composer and Guðný Hrund Sigurðardóttir, set designer. They have since 2012 made 4 shows that all have been very well received and toured both locally and internationally.