
Event info
Love is to keep balance  (Love is a balancing act)
No fuck
Love is to fall

A poetic, funny and sexy cabaret about the charted and uncharted pathways of love. Armed with the poems of Elísabet Jökulsdóttir the Ratatam company dances, sings and takes you on a playful journey through the marvellous landscape of love.

The search and yearning for love is the focus of Elísabet's poems.  The longing to belong, be loved and to love.  The body's desire to be full of tingling excitement for another human being.  Elísabet has the remarkable talent to reveal things that we all share in common in a human and honest way.

In the perfromance of Ahh, Ratatam Theatre Company explores, absorbs and opens up the poems of Eísabet, splicing together the playfulness and aesthetics of the cabaret and theatre.  The humour, the body, the voice and above all the love are the leading elements in this playful theatrical experience.