
Event info
Concert in memory of Cornelis Vreeswijk November 1. at 8 pm 

Cornelis have turned eighty on August 8th, on this occasion the band Spottarna are throwing a concert in memory of Ceez's master. As well it is commemorated that 30 years are from the death of Cornelis on November 12th.

The show starts at 8 pm and the entrance fee is 2.500 ISK, tickets are sold on tix.is and in The Nordic House reception.

The Icelandic folk band Spottarnir have been performing around the Nordic countries for over a decade. To celebrate Cornelis, they will be performing songs by the Swedish folk music icon at the Nordic House.

Special guests are Hr. Håkan Juholt, the Swedish Ambassador, Vera Illugadóttir and Guðrún Gunnarsdóttir, singer.

The Band:
Ásgeir Óskarsson
Björgvin Gíslason
Eggert Jóhannsson
Magnús R Einarsson
Pétur Sigurðsson

Personliga Person
Fredrik Åkare oc den söta Cecilia Lind
Felicia adjö
Halleluja jag är frisk igen

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