
Event info

The Opera Skjóta explores football culture and climate change and how a halftime in football can serve as a metaphor for pivotal decision-making, in regards to climate change. Can individuals really make an impact in times of a climate catastrophe? Skjóta asks if football culture can inspire mass solidarity on climate issues and if it is possible to turn the situation around without feeling the fear of making mistakes (i.e. failing to create a future for humanity). The performance uses the narrative method of opera to discuss the entertainment value of football culture; social values, emotional appeal and popularity, by comparing a football match to a person's life. The story of a player who decides to dedicate her life to climate action is told.

The visual artist Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir leads the performance group TTS or Tvöfaldur túrbó í sælunni (meaning: a 2x UV TURBO Bliss). The group consists of different individuals in the fields of visual arts, music, theatre, design and climate studies to name a few. In her works, Sigrún draws visual imagery of the present day and brings them to understanding through strong social contrasts. Her works are often in the form of narratives or fiction that deal with systematic control, the distribution of power and body labour and refer to political issues in society through popular culture and sports. Sigrún's work straddles the border between visual art, classical compositions and improvisation where she uses her voice as her main medium. In recent years, Sigrún has participated in a number of performance and opera projects by herself and others, mostly in the Netherlands, but also in Sweden, the UK and Germany.


Sópran / Soprano
Vera Hjördís Matsdóttir

Messósópran / Mezzo soprano
Kristín Sveinsdóttir

Sópran, fiðla / Soprano, violin
Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir

Raftónlist / Electronic music
Baldur Hjörleifsson

Fiðla / Violin
Helga R. Óskarsdóttir

Víóla / Viola
Anna Elísabet Sigurðardóttir

Selló / Cello
Júlía Mogensen

Kontrabassi / Double bass 
Snorri Skúlason


Hugmynd og texti / Concept and libretto
Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir

Leikstjórn / Direction
Snæfríður Sól Gunnarsdóttir og Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir

Tónlist / Music
Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir og Baldur Hjörleifsson

Búningar / Costumes
Mirjam v. Mengershausen

Innsetning / Installation
Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir


Kynningarmyndir og vídeó / Promotional photographs and videos
Alda Valentína Rós

Aðstoðarmaður leikstjóra / Director’s Assistant
Katrín Lóa Hafsteinsdóttir

Leikmyndasmíði / Set buildup
Alexander Hugo Gunnarsson

Þýðing á texta / Libretto translation
Hrund Ólafsdóttir og Árni Hjartarson

Textíl framleiðandi / Textile manufacturer
Knitwear lab

Vélprjónsforritari / Knitwear programmer
Guðjón Andri Þorvarðarson

Ráð varðandi fótboltamenningu / Advice on football culture
Hildur Björg Kristjánsdóttir, Omar Martina

Ráð um loftslagsmál og fótbolta / Advice on climate change and football
Brynjar Freyr Eggertsson

Ráð um sjálfbærni í leikhúsuppfærslum / Advice on Theater Production Sustainability
Goos van den Berg

Markaðssetning / Marketing
Heiðdís Birta Jónsdóttir Thompson

Framleiðsla / Production
TTS, Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir

Meðframleiðsla / Co-Production

Verkefnið er styrkt af / With the support of
Sviðslistasjóður (Iceland Performance Arts Fund), Mondriaan Funds, Creative Industries Funds NL