
Event info

The goal of the competition is to draw attention to aspiring and versatile filmmakers and encourage future achievements with prizes that lay the foundation for the next project. The Rewards are supported by KUKL Rental and the Icelandic broadcaster RÚV. The contenders will compete in four categories divided into Fiction, Documentary, Experimental & Creative Music Videos.


If I Die, Will I Go Home? (ef ég dey fer ég heim)


That's Just How It Is (Svona er þetta bara)

Vagus Symphony (Flokkusinfonia)

Fragments of the Attempt

Creative Music Video

“Yfir skýin" - Lúpína

"Solarr" - Talos

"Problems" - Flesh Machine

"Spiritus Naturae Aeternus" - Dustin O'Halloran

"Holdgervingur Lauslætis + Imagine A Woman"