
Event info

DesignTalks 2024

DesignTalks 2024 - where chaos is the norm and the balancing act is art!

The international conference DesignTalks will take place in Harpa on April 24th.

Early bird tickets are now available to this popular event that has been sold out the last few years. Do not miss a full day of inspiration, innovation and creative powers!

At DesignMarch this year, the current status of the world is reflected in the circus and DesignTalks addresses global imbalances and extremes. In the current cosmic chaos, balance is sought and in the ring ideas are kept in the air, genius is fiery and flying is high!

The abundance of information, the lack of raw materials, the possibilities of the local environment, reconstruction, the global family and inner peace will be on the palate.

In this seductive magical world, anything is possible, but beneath the surface simmers the unexpected and, at times, the somewhat unpleasant.

DesignTalks, an internationally acclaimed conference is an important platform for inspiration through rich conversations about important insights into the now and near and current challenges and opportunities of designers, architects and creative leaders, both local and international.

DesignTalks has been the signature event for DesignMarch from the beginning and has taken place for a full house in Harpa. DesignMarch festival 2024 will take place for the 16th time April 24th - 28th.