
Event info

Tumi Torfason (IS)

The young composer and trumpeter Tumi Torfason celebrates the release of his debut album
“Torfær tími”, recorded last summer, with a grand concert in the Reykjavík Cathedral. On the
program are his diverse compositions which draw inspiration from various directions, both classical
impression- and minimalism and modern jazz from the US and Northern Countries. He contrasts
improvisation with the written, the organic with the mechanic and the innovative with the timeless.
Tumi’s bandmates are a wide group of friends and colleagues from the Icelandic jazz- and improv
scene that, through the program, man instrumentations of all shapes and sizes, ranging from duo to
big band.

Tumi takes the stage at Reykjavík Jazz for the third year in a row but he has led and sidemanned in
projects home and in Stockholm where he has recently graduated from the Royal College of Music’s
jazz department.

Tumi Torfason : trumpet and compositions
Tumi Árnason : tenor sax
Björgvin Ragnar Hjálmarsson : tenor sax and bass clarinett
Hannes Arason : trumpet
Bjarni Már Ingólfsson : electric guitar
Mikael Máni Ásmundsson : electric guitar
Birgir Steinn Theódórsson : upright bass and electric bass
Matthías Hemstock : drums

…and more TBA