
Event info

Rétt fyrir fyrri heimsstyrjöldina, flytur hin fimmtán ára fátæka Anka frá litlum slóvakískum bæ til Prag og ætlar sér að gerast vinnukona. Þar kynnist hún Resi, dóttur auðugrar fjölskyldu. Þó svo að bakgrunnar þeirra séu ólíkir finna þær sálufélaga í hvor annarri. Vinátta og ástarsamband þeirra verður eina ljósið í lífi þeirra, í heimi þar sem karlmenn ráða ríkjum.

Historical drama about a love between two teenage girls from the opposite sides of the social ladder. Just before World War 1, the fifteen-year-old poverty-stricken Anka from a small Slovak town arrives in Prague to be a maid in a wealthy family. She meets Resi, the daughter of a noble family, who was born and raised to be an adornment and a trophy. Anka and Resi, two girls born in the same year, but at opposite ends of the social ladder, find a soulmate in each other. They become best friends, lovers and the only light in a male-dominated world.

Stockfish Film and Industry Festival