
Event info

Sagan segir frá Emre, ungum og efnilegum saksóknara sem er nýráðinn í verkefni í smábæ þar sem upp kemur vatnsskortur og pólítískir skandalar. Eftir góðar móttökur í byrjun er hann dreginn sífellt dýpra inn í erfið samskiptamynstur samfélagsins. Þegar Emre tengist eiganda bæjarblaðsins ýkjast orðrómar og samskiptaerfiðleikar enn frekar.

The film tells a story about Emre, a young and dedicated prosecutor, who is newly appointed to a small town that is hit by water crisis and political scandals. After an initial welcome, he experiences an increasing number of tense interactions and is reluctantly dragged into local politics. When Emre forms a bond with the owner of the local newspaper pressure escalates under heated rumors.

Stockfish Film and Industry Festival