
Event info

From Friday 10th March - Sunday 12th March we will hold Mario Con at Arena Gaming, sponsored by Ormsson, Arena Gaming and Pokehöllin! Open to all ages

You can compete in Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart and a Pokemon Tournament over the weekend. (All rules are posted at the bottom).

Friday 10th March (MAR10 Day):
It is officially Mario day this date and so we will celebrate! Please note that timings are subject to change slightly but here is a general plan of the weekend.


1700-1800 Free Play Time!
- Dedicated area for people who want to play games on the Nintendo Switch.
- Dedicated area to play Mario Kart Live Home Circuit with up to 2 players
- Video screens set up showing detailed videos on how Mario came to be

- 1800-1900 Collect Coins!
Interactive scavenger hunt in Arena Gaming, where you must collect coins like in the Mario Games. You can then redeem the coins at the bar in Arena. More coins = better prizes!

1900-1930 Free Play Time!
- Dedicated area for people who want to play games on the Nintendo Switch.
- Dedicated area to play Mario Kart Live Home Circuit with up to 2 players
- Video screens set up showing detailed videos on how Mario came to be

- 1930-2030 Rescue the Princess!
Solve a puzzle in order to rescue Princess Peach! The fastest team to solve it will win some tickets to see the Mario Movie releasing in April!

2030-2130 Jazz time
- Live Jazz playing some funky Mario beats

2130-2300 Free Play Time!
- Dedicated area for people who want to play games on the Nintendo Switch.
- Dedicated area to play Mario Kart Live Home Circuit with up to 2 players
- Video screens set up showing detailed videos on how Mario came to be

Saturday 11th March:
- 1300-1800 Super Smash Tournament:
Super Smash Bros. Tournament qualifiers

- 1800-2200 Mario Kart Tournament:
Mario Kart Tournament qualifiers

* Please note depending on when the Super Smash Tournament ends and Mario Kart Tournament begins we may have a break to allow competitors in both tournaments rest*

- People are able to come and watch or play on any available screens.
- Dedicated area to play Mario Kart Live Home Circuit with up to 2 players.

Sunday 12th March:
1200-1500 Pokémon Tournament:
- Pokémon Tournament

- 1500 - 1800 Super Smash Tournament Finals:
- Super Smash Bros. Finals played in the media room

- Mario Kart Finals in the evening in the press and media room

The finals will be played in the press & media room in Arena and it will be livestreamed.

Rules for the Mario Kart Tournament -

The Tournament will played on 150cc with any car/ character set up you choose
We wont play the new tracks that will be released on 9th March but all other tracks we will play during the Tournament.

On Saturday we will do a random collection of tracks from the base game (i.e. not DLC). This is mainly because all the switches we have don't have all the DLC downloaded as this would require to pay for all the tracks for all 8 switches. We will play on good tracks that are fair so not 'Baby Park' for example which is just looping around over and over.

For the finals on Sunday we will include some DLC tracks but not the ones being released on the 9th March

We only have limited amount of Pro controllers but a lot of joy-con controllers. It is recommended you bring your own pro controller if that's what you want to play on.

You'll compete with 3 other players on the same screen for the qualifiers and by the end of the session on Saturday we will get down to 8 players for the final

Finals on Sunday will all be played in the Press & Media room at 4 people at a time, this will be livestreamed

It's difficult to say right now how many people will be competing so it's impossible to say exactly how we will play it. How we did it in the last Mario Kart Tournament was we had group stages. So, you played a total of 16 races and using those points from all 16 races we eliminated the bottom portion of people to get to the top 16 players. Then we had a process of elimination to make the way down to top 4 who then played against each other in the finals.

Tickets explained FAQ -
Q - If I'm not competing what can I do?
A - It is recommended you come on Friday from 1700 as we will have 2 scavenger hunt games where people off all ages can play, followed by live Jazz playing Mario themed music. On the Saturday we will have the Mario Kart & Super Smash Bros. Tournament qualifiers and the finals played on Sunday. On the Sunday from 1200-1500 we will have the Pokémon Tournament, before the finals of Super Smash and Mario Kart. If you can only make it on the Saturday we will have some screens set up where you can play casually but these are limited as most of the screens will be dedicated to the Tournament competitors.

Q- I want to come to Mario Con with my child but we won't be competing in a tournament, which ticket do I buy?
A - It is 2900 for anyone over the age of 12 to come. If they are 12 years old or younger it is free admittance (providing they do not wish to compete in any tournament). If you have a child who wants to play the interactive games on Friday for example then it is free admittance and you don't need to buy a ticket for them. But please note that any children must be supervised by a responsible adult.

Q - My 10 year old son/ daughter wants to compete in one of the Tournaments which ticket do I buy?
A - Anyone who is competing in a Tournament needs to have an admission ticket and also click on which Tournament they want to compete in, you can compete in all Tournaments if you wish

Rules for the Pokémon Tournament -


Rules for the Super Smash Bros. Tournament -

For more information: 
