
Event info

Johann Vexo fæddist árið 1978 í borginni Nancy í norðausturhluta Frakklands. Þegar hann var 25 ára var hann skipaður kórorganisti í Notre-Dame dómkirkjunni í París. Skömmu síðar var hann einnig skipaður organisti Cavaillé-Coll orgelsins í dómkirkjunni í Nancy. Eftir að hafa kennt við Angers Conservatory í 10 ár er hann nú orgelkennari bæði við Tónlistarháskólann og Superior Tónlistarskólann í Strassborg.

Johann Vexo lærði fyrst á orgel hjá Christophe Mantoux, einnig lærði hann tónlist og semballeik við Tónlistarháskólann í Strassborg, þar sem hann hlaut Premier Prix verðlaun í orgelleik. Hann hélt áfram námi við Tónlistarháskólann í París og orgel-kennarar hans voru Michel Bouvard og Olivier Latry og spuna-kennarar hans voru Thierry Escaich og Philippe Lefebvre. Hann hlaut Premier Prix verðlaun bæði fyrir orgelleik og basso continuo og aukaverðlaun í hljómfræði og kontrapunkti.

Johann Vexo hefur komið fram víða um Evrópu, í Bandaríkjunum, Kanada, Ástralíu, Nýja Sjálandi og Rússlandio. Hann hefur komið fram á fjölmörgum alþjóðlegum tónlistar- og orgelhátíðum m.a. í borgunum Atlanta, Auckland, Chicago, Genf, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Montreal, München, New York, Porto, Sankti Pétursborg, San Francisco og Vín. Hann hefur einnig spilað á þekktum tónleikastöðum eins og Wanamaker Grand Court í Fíladelfíu, Westminster Abbey í London, Basilica of the National Shrine í Washington DC, KKL í Lucerne, St. Mary's Cathedral í Sydney, Tónlistarháskólanum í Moskvu og Metropolitan dómkirkjunni í Mexíkóborg.

Johann Vexo hefur einnig leikið með ýmsum hljómsveitum og tónlistarhópum og kennt á meistaranámskeiðum í orgelleik fyrir American Guild of Organists og við virtar stofnanir (Rice University í Houston, Curtis Institute of Music í Philadelphia, University of Michigan, Folkwang Universität í Essen, Aveiro háskólann í Portúgal.). Hann hefur hljóðritað nokkra geisladiska á söguleg frönsk orgel, sérstaklega má nefna hjá JAV Recordings útgáfufyrirtækinu á hið mikla orgel Notre-Dame dómkirkjunnar í París.
Johann Vexo er fulltrúi Phillip Truckenbrod Concert Artists, LLC (www.concertartists.com).

Johann Vexo was born in 1978 in the northeastern French city of Nancy. At the age of 25, he was appointed Choir Organist of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Soon thereafter he was also appointed Organist of the Cavaille´-Coll organ of the Cathedral in Nancy. After teaching at the Angers Conservatory for 10 years, he is now Professor of Organ at the Conservatory and at the Superior Music Academy in Strasbourg.

Johann Vexo first studied organ with Christophe Mantoux, as well as early music and harpsichord at the Strasbourg Conservatory, where he was awarded Premier Prix in organ. He continued his studies at the Paris Conservatory where his teachers included Michel Bouvard and Olivier Latry for organ, Thierry Escaich and Philippe Lefebvre for improvisation. He earned Premier Prix in both organ and basso continuo and additional prizes in harmony and counterpoint.

Johann Vexo has performed extensively throughout Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Russia. He has appeared as a featured artist in numerous international music festivals and organ series in cities such as Atlanta, Auckland, Chicago, Geneva, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Montreal, Munich, New York, Porto, Saint Petersburg, San Francisco and Vienna. His performances have also included notable venues such as the Wanamaker Grand Court in Philadelphia, the Westminster Abbey in London, the Basilica of the National Shrine in Washington DC, the KKL in Lucerne, the St. Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney, the Moscow Conservatory and the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City.

Johann Vexo has also performed with various orchestras and musical ensembles. He has been invited to teach organ master classes for the American Guild of Organists and at prestigious institutions (Rice University in Houston, the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, the University of Michigan, the Folkwang Universita¨t in Essen, the Aveiro University in Portugal...). He has recorded several CDs on historical French organs, especially one on the JAV Recordings label on the great organ of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Johann Vexo is represented by Phillip Truckenbrod Concert Artists, LLC (www.concertartists.com).