
Event info

Loksins, loksins, loksins!

Dustið rykið af fjaðratreflunum og takið þátt í gleðinni.

Með hækkandi sól munu dragkóngar, drottningar og allskyns kynjaverur etja kappi um stærstu drag-kórónu Íslandssögunnar.

Keppendur sýna sín bestu dragatriði, dáleiðandi persónutöfra og leynda hæfileika. Þetta verður sannkölluð glimmer glamúr gúmmelaði-veisla sem enginn má missa af.


The Icelandic Royal Drag Competition 2022

Finally it's the season for pageantry! Dust off your feather boas and come join the fun.

As the name suggests, this Drag competition is open for all Drag Royals; kings, queens and everyone in between! It's gonna be a glamorous battle for the crown.

This year we are not only looking at top-notch performance, but also secret talents and oozing charisma. We guarantee one of the most stunning Drag shows in Icelandic herstory.

Fb event;
