
Event info

Singer-songwriter Stína Ágústsdóttir will release her fourth solo album March 25th and celebrates the release at a concert in Kaldalón, Harpa, March 27th. 

Stína is an established jazz artist in Iceland and Sweden, where she currently resides. She received two nominations at the Icelandic music prize last year for her latest album, The Whale, and is a frequent performer at the regular jazz clubs and festivals in Iceland and around Scandinavia, 

The album, Drown to Die a Little, is a journey within, from a state of crisis towards acceptance and contentment. It was recorded at the legendary Sigur Rós studio, Sundlaugin, in July 2021, with some of the best musicians Scandinavia has to offer. Henrik Linder the bass phenomenon from the power trio Dirty Loops, guitar player and songwriter extraordinaire Mikael Máni Ásmundsson, the rising star on piano, Magnús Jóhann Ragnarsson and the busiest drummer in Iceland, Magnús Trygvason Elíassen.

In addition to this fantastic band, some strings and maybe even a dancer will play a role at the concert! 

The concert is supported by Styrktarsjóður Samtaka um tónlistarhús og Ruthar Hermanns.