
Event info

Note: In addition to this ticket, all festival guests must have a RVK Fringe wristband, which are always available for 1000 ISK online or at the door. The wristband is valid throughout the festival and offers various discounts. 

Athugið: Auk þessa miða þurfa allir hátíðargestir að vera með RVK Fringe armband, sem er ætíð fáanlegt fyrir 1000 kr á netinu eða við hurð. Hátíðararmbandið gildir alla hátíðina og veitir ýmsa afslætti.

The latest work from the kaleidoscope brain of St. John McKay.
Ever wondered what it’s like to be a prisoner, an inmate, a jailbird, a con, a lag, a lifer, a nirk? Wanna get a taste from the safety and comfort of your own theatre seat? Time Inside is like time inside, it’s what you make of it … The aim is not entertainment — it’s experience.

Please note that to enter the theatre you will need to check in your mobile phone and other items such as tablets and laptops, all which will be safely secured.